Pictures of the Jarek Trip in June 2010

Picture galery  respective the  picture collection
of the  dedication of the
commemorative plaque

in Jarek during the Jarek
from June 3rd  till  June  8th,  2010

Tour guides:  Inge Morgenthaler  and  Michael Rettinger
translated by  Sieghart Rein


Picture Galery

Of the dedication and commemoration in Jarek during the Jarek trip from June 3rd till June 8th, 2010 followed by several (28) further photos to click on

. . . gallery to get a “large-view” with a “description” of the picture. At every enlarged picture you can scroll forward at 1/5th height from the right top edge of the picture (to the last picture) or scroll backwards at the left edge of the picture (to the first picture).




of the dedication and commemoration in
Jarek during the Jarek trip from June 3rd to June 8th, 2010 followed by the same (28) further photos for “viewing,” each with a short description:

Picture 1 – The Jarek tour group in front of the Park hotel in Novi Sad.
Second person from the left: Michael Rettinger, next to him at his right:
Michael Schmidt, 2 to the right and 1 to the top: Inge Morgenthaler,
in front in a crouching position: “Bennie” our tour guide and completely
to the right: Dragan our bus driver (both from Novi Sad, Serbia).

Picture 2 – Entrance to the village Jarek / Bački Jarak
from (the direction of) Novi Sad.

Picture 3 – The ramrod-straight “Hauptgasse”  at the village entrance
in Jarek from Novi Sad in the direction of Temerin.

Picture 4 – House façades in the Hauptgasse
(currently colorfully  painted).

Picture 5 – The town hall (community hall, formerly of Jarek
and currently of Bački Jarak. Between 2006 and 2010
the “ochre” color (see “starting page”) has changed to “green”).

Picture 6 – The tour group in front of the town hall
in Bački Jarak/Jarek.

Picture 7 – At the cordial reception with bread and salt:
Inge Morgenthaler and a young “New-Jarek” girl
in the foyer of the town hall.

Picture 8 – At the table of the “Officials” for the reception
at the dedication of the new Jarek commemorative plaque
(from left): Michael Schmidt, Mr. Mandic, Michael Rettinger
and “Benni”, tour guide and interpreter.

Picture 9 – The Jarek tour group and guests at the
dedication of the Jarek Commemorative plaque
in the town hall Bački Jarak / Jarek.

Picture 10 – Unveiling of the Jarek Memorial plaque
by Mr. Mandic (Mayor of Bački Jarak)
and Michael Schmidt, chairman of the OA Jarek.

Picture 11 – The new Jarek Memorial plaque in the foyer
of the town hall in Bački Jarak. Below both
municipal coats-of-arms of Bački Jarak (left)
and of Jarek (right) each contains the same text
in the Serbian and German language.

The text reads:

Picture 12 – The German text of the new Jarek Memorial plaque
in the foyer of the town hall in Bački Jarak.

Picture 13 – (from left) Mr. Mandic, Inge Morgenthaler,
Michael Rettinger, and Michael Schmidt below
the Jarek Memorial Plaque.

Picture 14 – At the “temporary Memorial place” with the
wood cross for the more than 7,000 dead of Camp Jarek
“The Internment Camp Jarek”).

Picture 15 – At the commemoration for the dead of Camp Jarek:
(from left) our tour guide “Benni”, the “courageous Jarek citizen”,
Michael Schmidt, Michael Rettinger, Mr. Mrdjen and
Mr. Mandic of the  municipal administration Bački Jarak.

Picture 16 – At the commemoration for the dead following
week-long rains, the terrain is nearly impassable . . .

Picture 17 –  . . . but we managed to reach the terrain
nearly dry-shod.

Picture 18 – At the mutual festive lunch in the “large restaurant”
in the former Jarek Kreuzgasse . . .

Picture 19 – . . . with the table of the ”officials“ from the OA Jarek
and from the community Bački Jarak and Temerin.

Picture 20 – As gift for the hosts Michael Rettinger presents
our monetary donation to Mr. Mandic
for the kindergarten in Bački Jarak.

Picture 21 – During lunch: Appearance of a “Banda",
a musical group, which struck up moody music
and songs for entertainment.

Picture 22 – The “Banda” with its vigorous music,
which is characteristic for the country.

Picture 23 – After lunch a lovely and spirited appearance
of a children’s folklore-dance group.

Picture 24 – Bicycle parking place at the entrance to the
festival grounds of the sixth Temerin “World Championship
of Bean-Soup Cooking” . . .

Picture 25 – . . . with the colorful goings-on and
one of the many gigantic bean-soup kettles . . .

Picture 26 – . . . served with fresh bread, green onions
and green peppers . . .

Picture 27 – . . . the hearty bean soup, a Serbian favorite dish,
 tastes especially good to all . . .

Picture 28 – . . . and the time passed much too fast for all:
the village-limit  sign of Bački Jarak
in the direction of Novi Sad . . .


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